Leslie Devine

Hood Hippie, LLC is dedicated to educating and assisting clients with suggestions on how to create a meditative space mentally and physically.

Lafe Thomas

Director of Business Development and Community Engagement at the Corporation to Develop Communities of Tampa.


De'Nicea Hilton Harper

Holistic Well-Being Consultant /
Doctor of Oriental Medicine

Rev. Milagros "Millie" Reynoso

Owner – Milagros Wellness Sanctuary
Intuitive Reiki Healer | Ordained Minister in Soul Evolution | Certified Sound Therapist | Spiritual Coach | Licensed Esthetician


Lesley Devine

Hood Hippie, LLC is dedicated to educating and assisting clients with suggestions on how to create a meditative space mentally and physically. We have high hopes that each individual who seeks our guidance will gain a new sense of peace in every aspect of their life.

Having no metaphysical stores close to the area and local stores not offering a gamut of relatable services led to the creation of The Hood Hippie Stores. They are built to be a one stop shop for those in need of alternative products and places for healing.

The founder has practical knowledge in metaphysics and beyond which allows us to responsibly assist those looking for different paths spiritually. With so many new people learning the benefits of yoga, meditation, reiki etc., the need is civic and curiosity prevalent for most people looking fornew experiences. Many people have decided that alternative spiritual methods are easier and helps them more. The passion that Hood Hippie’s founder and representatives bring to healing will create a network of like-minded individuals which in return will create a larger communal support system.